Five ways to beat procrastination
Procrastination is the process of constantly putting off a delaying a task which may possibly be out of habitual laziness. The habit if not tackled can disrupt the dreams of an individual. Here are some possible ways which if properly adopted can help to beat procrastination:
Nothing is gained by beating yourself up over procrastination. Instead, constantly berating yourself drains vital energy and makes it more likely that you will procrastinate in the future.
Again, all of us put things off. It’s the ability to witness the presence of procrastination and bring your attention to the task requiring completion that counts. Have compassion for yourself, promise to do better – and then move on.
beat perfectionism
The need to be perfect is a severe hindrance to proactivity – the antithesis of procrastination. You could do something a million times with the utmost effort and never achieve perfection. The logic is quite simple: humans are fallible (read: imperfect) creatures. How much sense does it make, then, to think that we can be perfect in anything we do? Not very much.
Instead of focusing on the impossible aim of perfection, gauge your focus and skillfulness on the task at hand. The former builds upon the latter, leading to a more proactive, fulfilled mindset
We humans are funny when it comes to goals and achievements. We’ll work towards a goal, expecting fulfillment only to achieve that goal and not think twice about it. Sure, we’ll get a momentary high from having completed something, but this feeling quickly fades and we forget it entirely.
It is vital for your self-esteem to celebrate your accomplishments. Not only should you revel in the moment of achievement, but also while looking back at all you’ve achieved. Why? Because we quickly forget just how awesome we are! For example, we’ll hit a bump in the road, doubt our capabilities, and procrastinate. Instead, think of a time when you overcame the odds. This will make you feel better while reminding you of your real abilities!
The familiar discomfort accompanying procrastination quickly fades when we just get started on whatever we’re delaying. A big reason for this is we have a tendency to make too much of our expectations and judgments. In other words, we seriously misconstrue our thoughts and emotions.
You’ll find that by getting started, the task isn’t so daunting and there really was no good reason for avoiding it after all! Something that may help you get to the job faster in the future is to discover a reusable method of completing it. For example, if you tend to put off writing a report, try constructing an outline that you can reuse in the future.
To “single task” is to pay attention to one thing at a time. Not only is single-tasking a more effective means of accomplishing a task, but approaching work in this way also saves the brain energy. As we’ve discussed, the brain’s energy supply is an inextricable component of getting things done and not procrastinating.
Another thing about single-tasking: focus on one part of a project at a time. This piece of advice is especially applicable for larger pieces of work that require a significant amount of time and effort. Going back to the report writing example, instead of saying to yourself, “I have 3000 more words to write!” think, “I have 250 more words to finish this part, and this is where I’ll focus my attention.”
If these are followed,they could help you beat procrastination.
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